Access to Justice Appeal
Peninsula Community Legal Centre is one of the largest community legal centres in Australia. We work within Melbourne’s South Eastern communities to defend the legal rights of more than 5,000 local people every year. We work in a number of the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods in the state that experience the highest levels of family violence.
Our advice and assistance helps people save their homes, keep their jobs and protect their families from violence.
The legal system is out of reach of so many in our community. We exist because legal problems left unresolved can cause significant social, health and financial costs to individuals and the community.
No one budgets for legal fees. We don’t plan for our marriages to breakdown or to become a victim of family violence or to be unfairly dismissed or to face eviction or discrimination. Many people who need legal help, but can’t afford a lawyer, miss out. Unlike our health and education system, there is no universal safety net for legal help.
Our mission is to ensure everybody in our community can access the law, regardless of their financial situation or social circumstances.
Whilst our core funding primarily comes from government the generosity of donors, sponsors, supporters and volunteers help us to continue this essential work.
Help us support those most at risk in our community
- A gift of $120 could ensure a mother escaping a violent partner gets legal assistance to file for an intervention order
- A gift of $800 could provide critical legal advice and representation for an elderly woman being financially manipulated and abused by their carer
- A gift of $50 could help a father driven to suicidal thoughts by spiraling tollway fines make an application for revocation of fines
- A gift of $85 could offer a disadvantaged student an opportunity to engage with youth justice issues through the medium of film making and story telling
Become a Friend of PCLC
Friends of Peninsula Community Legal Centre are supporters who make a regular financial contribution to our work – for example $10 a month. In return our Friends are kept regularly up-to-date with PCLC news and invited to special events where we can thank them for their support.
Help defend the legal rights of local people
Gifts of $50 and over will be acknowledged in PCLC’s Annual Reports.
All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.