RHOP visited a registered rooming house in the Melbourne’s South East where upon no answer at the door, the team called out through the back gate in the hope that someone would hear them. They heard an answer and were invited around the back of the property. Upon entering the rear of the property they found a man in his 60’s, who due to poor health could not get out of this bed. His room door lock was broken and the glass in his room’s external window was smashed leaving large and dangerous shards hanging. The resident was subject to the cold weather as he could not close the door properly or prevent the weather from entering through the empty window frame. This dire situation further exacerbated his poor health.
RHOP provided Fred with a warm blanket, fresh sheets, towel and a health pack, as well as arranging for a community nurse from the Homelessness person’s Program to visit Fred. The nurse was able to get Fred hospitalized. A few weeks later upon his discharge, he had moved into secure, supported residential accommodation. The RHOP team reported the numerous breaches of minimum standards to the local council and Consumer Affairs Victoria. Council took action and the property has ceased to operate as a rooming house.