Peninsula Community Legal Centre offers free legal advice to people who live, work or study in the municipalities of Frankston, Casey, Cardinia, Glen Eira, Kingston and Mornington Peninsula.
Our Tenancy Assistance and Advocacy Program assist clients across a larger catchment area:
Bayside Peninsula Region
municipalities of Bayside, Frankston, Glen Eira, Kingston, Port Phillip, Stonnington and Mornington Peninsula.
Southern Melbourne Region
municipalities of Cardinia, Casey and Greater Dandenong.
We Commonly Help with these Types of Issues
- Family Law
- Intervention Orders
- Family Violence and related issues
- Criminal Law
- Employment
- Fines
- Debt
- Estate/Probate Matters
- Crimes Compensation (Victims of Crime)
- Motor Vehicle Accidents – property damage
- Neighbourhood Disputes
- Tenancy – private rental, rooming house & caravan park
- Social Security law
- Immigration (priority given to CALD clients presenting with family violence issues)
We may not be able to assist where specialist help or expertise is required. If we cannot assist we will try to provide a referral to an appropriate service. From time to time, the centre may undertake casework outside our usual criteria because of compelling public interest reasons.
No Advice is Offered in the Following Areas
- Business/Commercial matters
- Conveyancing and Building Contracts
- Taxation
- Loan applications / Guarantees
- Tenancy (public housing)
- Landlord or Trader issues
We will not be able to assist you:
- if we do not have adequate resource
- the matter is outside our guidelines
- if a conflict of interest arises
Your privacy is important to us and we comply strictly with legal requirements as well as having our own policy to ensure that your privacy is protected. Please refer to PCLC Client Confidentiality & Privacy Policy.